Paintless Dent Repair Melbourne

Paintless dent repair, commonly referred to as PDR, has quickly become the popular choice for repairing door dents, dings and damages. This method is used by almost all auto body repair shops and approved by major insurance companies.

Paintless Dent repair

At Pierce Body Works, we strive to provide the highest quality PDR service and remove your car dents, hail damages and door dings without the fuss of paint, filler and sanding. We use special tools to remove dents, creases and door dings and carefully push the metal back until the damaged area is undetectable.

Benefits of paintless dent repair:

  • As there is no sanding, filling and painting in this process, you can save up to 60% of the cost associated with traditional body repair methods.
  • This method takes less than one hour for small dents and 2-3 hours for large dents.
  • While traditional repairs result in disposal of harsh chemicals, paintless dent repair is completely eco-friendly.
  • PDR protects the integrity of your original factory paint job and helps maintaining the resale value of your vehicle.

Our skilled technicians are committed to offer the fast, affordable paintless dent & auto repair services in a timely fashion. Simply call us today and schedule an appointment with our PDR team!

Our Servicing areas including Melbourne, NorthcoteIvanhoeFairfieldThornburyAlphingtonFitzroy and Brunswick. For any kind of information regarding our services feel free to contact us on 03 9482 4007.

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